7 Legal Trends for Artists and Entrepreneurs from 2015

7 Legal Trends for Artists and Entrepreneurs from 2015

The end of a year is a time to reflect on the changes in our lives, and that holds true for the life of American law, which often struggles to keep up with technology. From the arrival of new forms of, and new uses for, social media (iTunes App Store favorites Periscope and Meerkat, with Facebook bringing the competition) to the envelope-pushing of artists and photographers, law related to art and entrepreneurship is in as much a state of flux as it has ever been.

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You've Found The Best Space for Your Restaurant, So You Call Up Your Lawyer...

You've Found The Best Space for Your Restaurant, So You Call Up Your Lawyer...

Before plunking down a binder on a restaurant, you need to know so much more than the cost of rent. This is a complex startup operation, even if you're opening a tiny "hole-in-the-wall." When checking out different places with your realtor, have you gotten a copy of a sample lease?  Do you know the terms of the lease? How long will you have the space for?  Understand that it often takes time to become an "overnight success."  You don't want a landlord wielding too much leverage just when you get goin'.

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Your Unpaid Internship for That Production Assistant is Probably Illegal

Your Unpaid Internship for That Production Assistant is Probably Illegal

Since the beginning of independent film, music, and theater, production companies have hired young high school and college-aged (and older) workers in search of "breaking into the industry," and have chosen to not pay them.  Those days of getting real work in exchange for credit (college or screen) seem to be disappearing.

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A Legal Guide to Mompreneurship Decision-Making

A Legal Guide to Mompreneurship Decision-Making

Once you have chosen among Solo Practitioner, LLC, or S-Corporation for your mompreneurial startup endeavor, you need to consider how you go about making money and spending money.  Vendors, employees, independent contractors all should sign agreements before you engage them in a business relationship.

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